Business Process Mapping

"A lot of stuff that's done at big companies is unnecessary" Warren Buffet at Berkshire Hathaway's shareholder's meeting 5/05/2018.

Chief among those things are all the clutter added to business processes throughout the years as a result of audits, reviews, problems, etc. There is never time to re-think business processes, integrate new technologies or simply look for inefficiencies.

We can bring an independent, no-skin-in-the-game approach to help make sense of current processes, looking to provide faster services, reduce costs, control risks and enhance quality.

We perform a deep look at the current state model and metrics and use the analysis to design the future state model. You should expect to eliminate non-value adding tasks, create alternate processing paths, improve service quality, reduce changeover, automate repetitive tasks (RPA), improve data accuracy.

The process is directed among the staff to encourage ownership and empowerment. The future state design is fully tested and tried in real-time before deployment.

Check out how we do it in this 5 minute video:

Business Process Robots (RPA)

"Robotic process automation mimics human actions associated with a variety of business processes. In taking on predictable and repeatable tasks, software “robots” have the potential to vastly reduce costs, improve process quality and consistency, and enable greater scalability." Wall Street Journal - CIO Journal - Deloitte Insights.

RPA solutions should benefit any institution that has high volume business processes with substantial operator data manipulation between source documents or web based applications and legacy core systems.
This solution is the perfect follow up to the Business Process Mapping solution above in the search for efficiency and quality data.

We bring RPA development expertise using the world-class UiPath, the most advanced enterprise RPA platform.

With better data quality and accuracy, there are opportunities to develop real-time dashboards with visuals to based business decision on, see Flowing Visuals solution below.

Check out how we do it in this 4 minute video:

Flowing Visuals

Running a business in the digital age requires the same skill set as before with a twist! The exponentially shifting information paradigm keeps challenging any decision making process.

Whether it's called Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Business Intelligence all these point to a basic, old-as-the-world concept: DATA! A lot of Data!

Regardless of the industry, Data is probably the most unique and valuable asset any business has. Data has to be secured, consistent, accurate, interpreted, understood and summarized for it to be a powerful business tool, otherwise big data may end up being a big bunch of nonsense.

At Rocade we can help in the way your valuable information is presented, looked at and interpreted.

Check out how we can help in this 6 minutes video: